There are a few options to add a valuable to your plan. Power Ups are special add-ons that provide extra protection for your items.
We offer a Valuables Protection Power-Up which covers your high-value items like jewelry, bicycles, instruments, music/video/photography equipment, collections, art, and fashion/design items.
We also offer a Personal Electronics Power-Up that protects your portable electronics (like your cell phone, tablet, and laptop).
If you're interested in adding one of these coverages, drop us a line here with the following information, and we'll get you sorted:
- Which Power-Up - Valuables Protection Power-Up or Personal Electronics Power-Up
- How much coverage you would like to add - Valuables Protection Power-Up is offered in increments of $1000 from $1000-$5000. Personal Electronics Power-Up is available at $1000, $3000, or $5000.
- If you have an item that is worth more than $5000 - let us know what type of item you are interested in covering and the value
- If you're not ready to make the change yet- be sure to mention that you're only looking for a quote
Please note that if your items are worth over $5000, we may also need photos, receipts, and/or appraisals for the items you'd like to add.
Within the Contents/Everyday Belongings/Coverage C limit for every plan are specific sublimits for certain items or types of items. These sub-limits are NOT in addition to the overall sublimit.
Sublimits standard to all plans:
- $1,500 for jewelry (limit applies to theft only)
- $200 for cash, gold bullion, bearer bonds, and the like
- $1000 or 10% of the Coverage C limit (whichever is greater) for things stored at an off-premises site like a self-storage facility.
- $500 for loss due to credit card theft, forgery, etc.
- $1,500 for paperwork like deeds, securities, etc. regardless of medium (so even if it's on a computer or thumb drive.)
- $2,500 for silverware and the like
- $2,500 for firearms (limit applies to theft only)
- $2,500 for business equipment on premises, and $1,500 for business equipment lost away from the premises.
- $1,500 on portable electronic equipment that reproduces, receives or audio, transmits visual or data signals
These sublimits are the reasons why adding Portable Electronics Power-Up or Valuables Power-Up can help ensure that items are covered beyond the sublimits.