Paying monthly can save you significantly more cash upfront, and monthly payments will continue for the duration of your tenancy. This means that if you renew your lease at the same property, you would continue making monthly payments until you or your property notify us that you have moved out. Please note that depending on your property and your credit profile, the monthly option may not always be available.
Making a one-time payment, on the other hand, means that you only pay once at sign up, and there are no additional costs to continue the policy no matter how many times you renew your lease. This payment may not be as small as the monthly price, but it should still be lower than your full deposit amount and help you cut down on your move in costs significantly and is a great value for renters who plan to remain in the same location longer term.
Regardless of which option you choose, Jetty Deposit will help you lower the cost of your move in and meet your deposit requirements at your property!