With Jetty Deposit, you can swap your security deposit for a small, one-time or monthly premium. You could save hundreds (even thousands) of dollars on move-in costs.
Your custom Jetty Deposit price will be based on a number of factors, including the security deposit amount required by your property, as well as a soft credit check processed in your Jetty application - don't worry, this type of credit check does not impact your credit score!
Both of the payment options have their upsides. With the monthly option, you lower your initial move-in cost by a more significant amount. With the one-time option, you only have to pay once—and then you’re covered for the duration of your tenancy.
Either way, you save on move-in costs. That said, it’s important to note that we are unable to switch from monthly to one-time (or vice versa) after you purchase, so make sure to select the option you want at checkout.