Because we know that basic renters insurance plans sometimes fall short of what folks need, we've created Jetty Power Ups (technically called 'endorsements'), a group of bonus features you can add to your plan to obtain tailored protection for your life and your circumstances.
These include:
- Valuables Protection — if you have a special item worth over $1,000, we recommend the Valuables Protection Power-Up. The Basic plans do not fully cover uncommon, high-value items such as your grandmother's pearl necklace, your rare Bordeaux wines or your colonial stamp collection. (Incidentally, this is true with every insurance provider).
- Our Valuables Protection Power-Up covers the following types of items: jewelry, music & audio gear, photo & video gear, fashion items, bikes, art & design, sports equipment, special collections, wine collections, and firearms.
- Personal Electronics Protection — personal electronics items like smartphones, tablets and laptops are subject to all sorts of special risks not typically covered by Basic plans, such as drop-and-shatter, and are not necessarily covered for these situations by default (again, this is not unique to Jetty). As such, for just a few dollars extra, we recommend buying the Personal Electronics Protection Power-Up to ensure you're fully protected in these scenarios. (Although 'heavier-duty' electronics like your TV are in fact covered by the Basic plan).
- Jetty Bedbugs Power-Up — this bonus power-up is automatically included in every Renters plan. We sure hope this never happens, but if a licensed pest control professional certifies that you have bedbugs, we'll cut you a $300 check to help you offset the costs of dealing with it.